Pasta sauces are an easy and tasty solution to lunches and dinners. A lot of times, we buy pasta sauce instead of making it because we...
Mushrooms with cream
Today I am making this recipe for lunch and I thought of sharing it with you. It's a super quick yet tasty side dish that is extremely...
Homemade gnocchi are SO different from store bought ones. There is no comparison.. It might take a while to prepare, but you can make a...
The weather was super hot in Vancouver this weekend, which made me think of sharing a refreshing appetizer (that you could also eat as a...
Authentic Granita Siciliana
With the warm weather approaching, preparing granita will be a real refreshing treat. Enjoy! :) Recipe: 500 ml of water ( 2 cups) 500 ml...
Homemade Italian Pizza (Margherita)
I can assure you this will be THE Italian pizza recipe you'll swear by. Trust me when I say so: my dad, brother and I have been my mom's...
Parmesan Zucchini
This super quick yet tasty side dish is my go-to solution when I don't have a lot of time but still want to have my veggies. My grandma...
Focaccia Ligure
This is THE BEST focaccia guys! Of course it is.. That's what this blog is about :D A collection of my favourite recipes.. The first time...