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Mushrooms with cream

Today I am making this recipe for lunch and I thought of sharing it with you. It's a super quick yet tasty side dish that is extremely easy to make.

Recipe for 2 people:

500 gr of Champignon mushrooms

2 garlic cloves

a handuful of fresh parsley

150-180 ml of whipping cream

Wash and slice the mushrooms. Mince the parsley. Place some extra virgin olive oil in a non stick frying pan and add the two cloves of garlic in it. When they turn golden, remove and add mushroom to the pan. Add a pinch of salt and cook for about 20-25 minutes, adding a bit of water when needed. After 20-25 minutes, add 150-180ml of whipping cream and cook for another 5 minutes. Cook longer if you want a thicker sauce. If the sauce gets too thick you can add a little bit of milk. Turn off the heat and add the fresh parsley. Give it a good whisk and serve.



You can store this dish for 1 day in the fridge.

If you prefer, instead of adding a pinch of salt, you can add soy sauce.

If you don't like your mushrooms to turn brownish, you can soak them in vinegar and water for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, you can peel the first layer off and your mushrooms won't turn brown when cooked.

mushrooms with cream


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